hubot-pr-status 0.1.2 released

I just pushed v0.1.2 of hubot-pr-status to hubot-pr-status is a little hubot script that lets you check the status of a PR on GitHub.

hubot-pr-status is an extraction of a small script I wrote for Hyde, Jekyll’s campfire bot. Parker extracted it for all the world to enjoy. It’s still a bit raw at the moment, but please submit an issue if you see something that needs a bit of love.

Capistrano 3.1 Released

Just a short reminder that Capistrano 3.1 came out about a week ago. I’ve been following the 3.x version of Capistrano for a few weeks now because of the fact that it’s based on Rake. If you didn’t like Capistrano 2, you might consider giving it another look.

Find Your Failing Tests

When I start on a extract method refactoring, my normal trick is to raise in the method that I’m looking to extract. I then find all the test files that failed and stick them in a wip rake task. I can’t claim any credit for this particular method of doing things though. Both of those tricks came from a pairing session I had with Katrina Owen.

Previously, most of my refactoring work on Tracks was focused on smaller sections of the code and I hadn’t hit any large cross cutting concerns yet. This meant that I could just scan the test failures for the files in question, since they were rarely larger than a page or two.

The last refactoring I did, along with the current refactoring I’m working on, cut across various concerns and spew errors all across the test suite. Scanning was not going to work anymore. So I put together a quick shell command to find the failing test files for me:

rake test | grep ' test/' | cut -d':' -f1 | sort | uniq

This does the following:

  1. Runs the tests
  2. Looks for files that live in the test directory. The extra space was just to make sure I grabbed only the test files, since they’re indented by spaces in the Rake output.
  3. Grabs the filename of the test. The test runner puts a colon between the filename and the line number, so we can split on that easily.
  4. Sorts the files
  5. Makes the list of files unique

At this point, I have a nice list of files with failing tests to plug in to my wip rake task and don’t have to run my whole test suite while I refactor. Enjoy!

Redcarpet 3.0.0 now available!

Robin, Vicent ,and I are happy to announce the release of Redcarpet 3.0.0! We’ve got the usual line up of goodies to talk about, so let’s get to the good stuff.

Backwards Compatibility

We’ve removed support for Ruby 1.8.x in this release. If you still need Ruby 1.8.x support, then you’ll need to stick with Redcarpet 2.3.0.

We’ve also removed the sundown submodule that was included in the Redcarpet codebase. Sundown has been deprecated for some time and all the code has been included in the redcarpet repository for awhile as well. So long Sundown and thanks for all the fish.

New features

Highlight support

We’ve got a new option you can pass to the Redcarpet::Markdown object: :highlight. This feature will let you use wrap a bit of text in a pair of equals signs and Redcarpet will generate markup that will cause it to be highlighted. If you want to use this option, you can use the following Ruby code:

markdown =, :highlight => true)

to render the following markdown

This is ==highlighted== text, yo.


This is <mark>highlighted</mark> text, yo.

Thanks to Sam Soffes for contributing this. If you want to see it in action before you give it a try, check out Sam’s blog.

Bug fixes

We’ve fixed several issues in the Redcarpet codebase in this release. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Fixed an issue where mixing code spans and emphasis mangled the output (#135 and #190)
  • Fixed an issue where nested parenthesis in a link didn’t render correctly (#237)
  • Fixed an issue where FTP URIs were misidentified as email links when using autolinking (#170)
  • Fixed an issue where emphasis inside parenthesis was not parsed correctly (#256)
  • Fixed an issue where HTML comments were being needlessly escaped (#268)

Thanks to Robin Dupret for fixing all of these!

Wrapping this up

We’re really excited about Redcarpet 3.0.0 and hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed making it. If you have any issues, please feel free to file an issue and we’ll take a look at it.


So I went to the Bay Area...

I’ve recently returned from the Bay Area in California and I wanted to get some of my thoughts down from my trip.

First off, this was my first trip to the Bay Area since 2007. Back then, I was really into Qt and flew in to attend Qt Developer Days.

This time, I flew into SFO, and drove down to Santa Clara where I spent a couple of days in training for work. I didn’t see a whole lot this time either, but the experience felt totally different.

The first thing was the weather. It was about 8pm local time when I finally landed and by the time I got my luggage and actually stepped outside the airport it was almost 9pm. The weather was absolutely fantastic - not too cold ,not too hot and the air was also very crisp. I wish I had weather like that in Dallas.

The drive down from SFO was a bit surreal. I drove past offices for Oracle, Evernote, Motorola, Rambus, and Microsoft on my way down. The hotel was diagonally across from the Citrix offices. I’ve never been in one place where there were so many tech companies around. It was a bit intimidating actually.

The rest of the time, I spent either in an office building or in my hotel. I didn’t take the opportunity to drive around and explore more since I didn’t want to deal with rush hour traffic on the 101 to get anywhere.

Now I need to plan a trip back with the family so I can be a tourist and have a bit more fun. :-)